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Andrew FFS

Ble medlem: 27 jan 09
Innlegg: 2

Lagt til: 27 jan 09, 20:59
Endret: 27 jan 09, 21:05
Endret av: Andrew FFS


we are a  couple of passionate football fans from around Europe, who would like to cover the really bitter side of football.

There are plenty of sites praising your team, but no sites seem to cover the darkest side of football fan culture; the agonizing pain of not being able to beat your derby rivals

What we are looking for are derby nightmares from Norway. A derby nightmare is by our definition:

01: Ongoing nightmares
Teams on a streak of ten or more league matches without a win, regardless of home or away records.

02: Horrible home
Teams on a streak of ten or more league matches without a win at home.

03: Awful away
Teams on a streak of ten or more league matches without a win away.

If your team is involved in a nightmare or you are able to contribute with stories from Norway, please let us know.

Any help is welcomed.

Thanks in advance and excuse us for interupting your general discussion.

Best regards,

email: ffs at derbynightmares dot com

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