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xpert Eleven

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Ble medlem: 29 sep 03
Innlegg: 1341

Lagt til: 07 apr 07, 08:15

Opprinnelig postet av Rune Haugen
Åssen kan man vite at man har toppbudet på transferen ?? Jeg hadde bud inne, og det var gått flere timer over transferslutt, og jeg var sikker på at jeg hadde fått`n. Men nei da, det viste seg at det ikke var det høyeste budet allikevel. Hadde vært mye bedre å hatt budgivning ala Hattrick spør du meg.

Buying players

Players can be bought in two different ways. Either you recieve offers to buy players via the mailbox or they can be offered in the transfer market. Basically they both work in the same way. However offers via your mailbox are for your team only while offers in the transfer market are open to all teams in leagues of the same type as the one you play in. You only recieve offers via the mailbox in leagues using the simulated transfer. If your league uses the market based transfer you only buy players in the open transfer market.

Offers in the mailbox appear on average every third day. The information you get about players is what the agent tells you. Some agents are more reliable than others and the only way to know if they can be trusted is to buy players from them and see if their information is fair. Therefore it can be a good idea to remember the agent`s name until the next time he/she offers you a player. The player`s name, age and position are always accurate but the skill level is estimated by the agent and some agents tend to overrate players. On the other hand sometimes agents underrate players and in those cases you end up with a better player than the agent suggested he/she was. However this does not happen very often.

At present there are 10 different agents. A couple of them are very good in estimating the skill of players and will always provide correct information. The rest of them cannot really be trusted. Their abilities to estimate the skill of players vary from not too bad to really hopeless.

To be sure that the player is as good as the agent suggests you can have him/her evaluated. This will cost you roughly 15% of the players pricetag (minimum 250 000 econ and maximum 750 000 econ). You will get an istant answer and it will be 100% reliable. To evaluate a player you click the "Evaluate" button.

Some of the players` special qualities will not be revealed even if they are evaluated. They will only be visible after you have bought the player.

The following special qualities are shown on offers:

If you want to buy a player you are offered you must do so before the agent`s deadline expires. You buy the player by clicking the button "Buy player". If you cannot afford the player or if you already have 20 players in your squad this button will not function.

In the right hand menu on pages related to your team you find the link "New players". On this page you can see the new players you have signed and the agent you bought them from. You only see the players that are still with the club not the ones that have been fired or resold. On your opponent`s team pages you can see their new players but not the agents they bought them from. You can also see all new players in the league or in your series. The link to this page you find in the right hand menu on pages that handle league information such as the league table page.

Some of the offers sent via the team`s mailboxes that have passed the deadline or have been deleted will show up in the transfer market where everybody can bid for the players.

All players on the transfer market are players that someone else in Xpert Eleven has decided to sell. You find the transfer market in the left hand menu when logged on to a league. The players are listed with their name, sales deadline, position, agent, estimated skill and the number of offers made for them. You can choose to list players within the following categories:

1) All
2) Goalkeepers
3) Defenders
4) Midfielders
5) Attackers
6) Your offers (players you have made a offer for)
7) Evaluated (players that have been evaluated by someone)

If you click a player`s name you see the offer in detail. Offers on the transfer market are just like offers sent via your mailbox in that they cannot be fully trusted. The skill level shown for a player is an estimate that may prove to be inaccurate. Read more about agents and their credibility here. It may therefore be worth examining the player before making a offer.

If you want to make an offer for a player you write your offer in the textbox to the left of the button "Make an offer". You can never go below the starting price, or the minimum price if there is one. You cannot make a offer if you have not got the money to pay for it. For example, if you have 1 million you can make as many offers as you like as long as the total amount does not exceed 1 million.

Bidding procedure
The bidding procedure is the same in both the market transfer system and the simulated transfer system.

When a bid is placed on a player, the bid should be maximum of what you consider you are willing to pay. If you`re alone to have placed bid on a player at deadline you will get the player for asking price. If several bids have been made, the one who bidded the most gets the player for the second highest bid plus a bidding step. If the next highest and the highest bid are equal the player will go to the team that bidded first. If the next highest bid plus one bidding step is higher than the highest bid then the bids will be considered as equal and the player will be sold to the team who place the bid first.

The bidding steps looks as follows:

Bidding step Bid (next highest bid)
50 000 = less than 500 000
100 000 = between 500 000 - 2 000 000
200 000 = between 2 000 000 - 10 000 000
500 000 = more than 10 000 000 -

Example 1: A player has an asking price of 1 000 000. I can afford this and really want the player so I make a bid of 2 000 000. No one else bids and I get the player for asking price in other words; 1 000 000 econ.

Example 2: A player has an asking price of 1 000 000. I bid 4 000 000 and another club have made a bid for 2 500 000. I will then get the player for:
(second highest bid=2 500 000) + (bidding step=200 000) = 2 700 000 econ.

Example 3: I bid 450 000 and another club have made a bid for 440 000. Then I don´t have to pay the bidding step, I just pay 440 000 which were the second highest
bid. This takes place if I bidded first, if the other manager bidded first he will get the player instead.

The bids that have been placed aren´t visible to anyone. In other words, you can´t see if anyone else is interested in the same player as you. This feature was added because of all the managers who bought players in the last minute.

The outcome of the bidding is decided 4 hours after the deadline and the team with the highest offer will get the player as long as they have the money to cover it and do not already have 20 players in their squad. If two teams make the same offer the one that made it first will get the player.

If the bidding button is disabled you can place the mouse pointer over and get information on why.

If you have made an offer but change your mind you can cancel it before the deadline by clicking the "Cancel" button which, after you have made an offer, appears to the right of the "Make an offer" button. When you have made an offer for a player the amount will be visible in the textbox where offers are entered.

Don`t always trust the agent
The information you receive on players is what the agent provides you with. Some are more reliable than others and the only way to know how reliable is to buy players from them and see if the information they provided was correct. Therefore it may be wise to remember the name of an agent until the next time he/she offers you a player. Information about a player`s name, age and position is always accurate, but the players skill is an estimate made by the agent and sometimes they tend to overrate the skill. On the other han an agent can also underrate the skill although this does not happen very often.

At present there are at least 10 different agents. A couple of them are very good in estimating the skill of players and will always provide correct information. The rest of them cannot really be trusted. Their abilities to estimate the skill of players vary from not too bad to really hopeless.

Evaluate player to be safe
To be sure that the player is as good as the agent suggests you can have him/her evaluated. This will cost you roughly 15% of the players pricetag (minimum 250 000 econ and maximum 750 000 econ). You will get an instant answer and it will be 100% reliable. To evaluate a player you click the "Evaluate" button.

If you want to buy a player you are offered you must do so before the agent`s deadline expires. You buy the player by clicking the button "Buy player". If you cannot afford the player or if you already have 20 players in your squad this button will not function.

In the right hand menu on pages related to your team you find the link "Players in". On this page you can see the new players you have signed and the agent you bought them from. You only see the players that are still with the club not the ones that have been fired or resold. On your opponent`s team pages you can see their new players but not the agents they bought them from. You can also see all new players in the league or in your series. The link to this page you find in the right hand menu on pages that handle league information such as the league table page.

Tidspunkt Skrevet av
04 apr 07, 23:22 » oleberg
04 apr 07, 23:44 » scheien
04 apr 07, 23:46 » fredrikstadpatriot
04 apr 07, 23:55 » scheien
05 apr 07, 00:18 » oleberg
04 apr 07, 23:42 » fredrikstadpatriot
05 apr 07, 03:06 » Holters
05 apr 07, 13:45 » fredrikstadpatriot
06 apr 07, 23:51 » Rune Haugen
07 apr 07, 08:15 » oleberg
07 apr 07, 08:16 » oleberg
07 apr 07, 09:26 » A9$h
07 apr 07, 10:16 » oleberg
07 apr 07, 10:45 » oleberg
07 apr 07, 11:48 » Rune Haugen
07 apr 07, 19:41 » oleberg
07 apr 07, 23:49 » Rune Haugen
08 apr 07, 01:37 » fredrikstadpatriot
08 apr 07, 07:26 » oleberg
08 apr 07, 07:43 » oleberg
08 apr 07, 13:13 » fredrikstadpatriot
08 apr 07, 14:07 » scheien
08 apr 07, 18:54 » oleberg
12 mai 07, 18:05 » Rune Haugen
12 mai 07, 20:25 » Svupzz
12 mai 07, 20:32 » keiko99
12 mai 07, 20:47 » Svupzz
12 mai 07, 20:58 » keiko99
12 mai 07, 22:51 » Rune Haugen
14 mai 07, 22:06 » oleberg
Forumet er moderert av: arte et labore, marle, morten, per egil, Planken og Rey

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